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Star signs & their elements


Following on from last weeks post of WHY crystals & star signs resonate, this week were going to go a little more in-depth into the elements that govern each star sign &the energies that come with this.

There are 4 elements that the star signs are broken down into, these are FIRE, EARTH, AIR & WATER, this is important when it comes to crystals as these elements of course resonate with certain colours, which passes through to corresponding crystals of the same colours.





Aries . Leo . Sagittarius

Passionate . Impulsive . Competitive . Dynamic . Loyal . Powerful

Fire signs are known for their vibrant energy, passion, and dynamic nature. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius each bring their unique strengths and challenges to the zodiac, making them some of the most exciting and inspiring signs. Whether leading the charge, creating art, or exploring new horizons, fire signs are always on the move, driven by their inner fire and zest for life. To enhance and balance these traits, certain crystals can be particularly beneficial. These crystals often resonate with the fiery energy and can help in amplifying the strengths of fire signs while mitigating their challenges.



Taurus . Virgo . Capricorn

Grounded . Patient . Practical . Dependable . Sensual . Independent

Earth signs are characterized by their practicality, reliability, and grounded nature. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn each bring their unique strengths and challenges to the zodiac, making them some of the most dependable and hardworking signs. Whether providing stability and comfort, organizing and analyzing, or leading and achieving, earth signs are always focused on creating a solid foundation for themselves and those around them. Crystals that are known are known for their grounded, practical, and stable nature can enhance and balance these traits and can help earth signs stay connected to their strengths while addressing any challenges they may face.



Gemini . Libra . Aquarius

Intellectual . Imaginative . Communicator . Adventurous . Humorous . Free Spirit

Air signs are characterized by their intellectual nature, communication skills, and social tendencies. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius each bring their unique strengths and challenges to the zodiac, making them some of the most engaging and stimulating signs. Whether through their adaptability and curiosity, their quest for balance and harmony, or their innovative and progressive thinking, air signs are always moving, thinking, and connecting with the world around them. By incorporating crystals into their daily lives, air signs can harness their natural energy and achieve greater balance, clarity, and success, choosing crystals that are good for communication and intellect would be a great place to start.


Cancer . Scorpio . Pisces

Caring . Emotional . Intuitive . Mysterious . Sensitive . Protective

Water signs are characterized by their emotional depth, intuition, and sensitivity. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces each bring their unique strengths and challenges to the zodiac, making them some of the most compassionate and perceptive signs. Whether through their nurturing and caring nature, their intense passion and determination, or their creative and empathetic spirit, water signs are deeply connected to their emotions and the world around them. Choosing crystals that align with the emotional, intuitive, and sensitive nature of water signs, will enhance their strengths and providing support in areas where they may face challenges. By incorporating these crystals into their daily lives, water signs can harness their natural energy and achieve greater emotional balance, intuition, and inner peace.

The elements play a significant role in determining compatibility between different zodiac signs. Signs within the same element often share similar outlooks and approaches to life, making them more naturally compatible. For example, fire signs may be naturally drawn to other fire signs due to their shared enthusiasm and energy.

The elements also help in understanding how different energies can complement or balance each other. For instance, a water sign’s emotional depth can balance an air sign’s intellectual approach, creating a harmonious and well-rounded dynamic.

Following todays post I’ll go through the crystals that will be best for each star sign, keep your eyes peeled for our next post.


Take Care, Lapid Art x


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